Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I'm feeling quite blessed today. I think the stress of my busy week has shut my brain down so I don't really have a choice but to trust God to get me through it! Whatever it is, I'll take it. I keep thinking back to a couple weeks ago when I was rocking Mira before bedtime. We were reading, singing, and talking about the day. I told her that she was a  good girl that day and that Mommy was so happy. She looked up at me and said, "Mira happy too!" Cue the tears and sappy Mommy! That meant so much more to me than I could ever imagine. I suppose any parent worries about giving their child a good life, but for adoptive parents, hearing your child say they are happy makes you overflow with joy! When you have biological children, you have a certain responsibility to provide for them and give them a happy life. When you adopt a child, and are CHOSEN by their Birthparents to give that child a better life, the level of need and want to provide a better life is even greater. I'm not perfect, and I'm sure there will be many days ahead where Mira tells us she's not happy and doesn't want anything to do with us, (dreading the teenage years with Miss Sassy Pants!) but for now I feel happy and content with the life we are providing for her. I pray that God will continue to give us the wisdom it takes to raise up an exceptionally humble woman of faith!

Now about that busy week......we started a new adventure around here and will be watching my friends baby 4 days a week, starting full time in September. He's here this week as a trial run. So far so good! I am enjoying being back in the baby stage, and being able to send him home at the end of the day! Ha ha! Mira is being amazing and such a big helper! I was pretty worried that the jealousy was going to complicate things! She's loves Baby S and can't wait for him to get here each day. Thank God! She's learning to be patient and play on her own, and also to share her Mommy not just her toys! I'm really thankful for the opportunity to be able to watch him and be home to share so many great days with Mira. Just hoping yesterday wasn't a fluke and today goes smooth as well!

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