An Openly Adopted Child's Legacy
Once there were two expectant mothers.
One carried and cared for you beneath her beating heart
She became your Birthmother.
The other carried the hope of you within her.
She became your Mom.
As the days passed, and you grew bigger and stronger,
Your Birthmother knew that she could not give you all you needed after your birth.
Meanwhile, your Mom was ready and waiting for you.
One day your Birthmom and your Mom found each other.
They looked into each other’s eyes and saw a friend.
Your Birthmom saw the life your Mom could give you.
Your Mom saw how much your Birthmom loved and cared for you.
They decided that what you needed was both kinds of love in your life.
So now you have two families,
One by birth, the other by adoption.
And you have a home where you can get:
your questions answered,
your boo boos bandaged,
your heartaches soothed,
And much needed hugs.
And a place where you can find:
answers to your questions,
your image in the mirror,
a part of yourself,
And much needed hugs.
Two different kinds of families
Two different kinds of love
Both a part of you.
© Brenda Romanchik
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Thanksgiving came and went. We ate lots of turkey, enjoyed our time with family, and thanked God for the blessings we had been given, and the ones we were hoping to receive. Although we were on the edge of our seats awaiting the phone call, we had a wonderful peace knowing that this was in God's hands. Our BM had called every time she said she was going to, so we were confident that she was going to keep us informed as we were waiting for her to call and say she was in labor.
For those of you who know me well, calm and patient are not really words you would use to describe me, right? Well, I did really well until Monday, November 30th. We heard nothing all weekend, and as I sat at home that Monday, my mind got the best of me in the midst of not hearing anything yet. I was a basket case, to say the least. Just ask my Hubby! I was totally convinced in my head that BM already had the baby and was not going to follow through with the adoption plan. I convinced myself that if that was what was best for the baby, then I would (had to) be ok with it. In the middle of one (of many) emotional breakdowns, I got a phone call from BM! I was in such shock that I had to tell myself to answer the phone!
She was (as usual) her cheerful self, despite the fact that she was passed her due date and so over being pregnant at that time. She was calling to let me know that there had been no progress in a week, and her Dr. would be inducing her at 6am. the next day. (insert many prayers, thanks to God, and major squeals here!!!!) She was calm and cool, and had no idea what was going on 3 hours away on the other end of that phone conversation! Whew!
She said we didn't have to be there right at 6am, and I told her we were leaving Monday night to come out and spend the night at a hotel. Cool as a cucumber! Ha!

So, we took care of some last minute details, and headed on our way!
For those of you who know me well, calm and patient are not really words you would use to describe me, right? Well, I did really well until Monday, November 30th. We heard nothing all weekend, and as I sat at home that Monday, my mind got the best of me in the midst of not hearing anything yet. I was a basket case, to say the least. Just ask my Hubby! I was totally convinced in my head that BM already had the baby and was not going to follow through with the adoption plan. I convinced myself that if that was what was best for the baby, then I would (had to) be ok with it. In the middle of one (of many) emotional breakdowns, I got a phone call from BM! I was in such shock that I had to tell myself to answer the phone!
She was (as usual) her cheerful self, despite the fact that she was passed her due date and so over being pregnant at that time. She was calling to let me know that there had been no progress in a week, and her Dr. would be inducing her at 6am. the next day. (insert many prayers, thanks to God, and major squeals here!!!!) She was calm and cool, and had no idea what was going on 3 hours away on the other end of that phone conversation! Whew!
She said we didn't have to be there right at 6am, and I told her we were leaving Monday night to come out and spend the night at a hotel. Cool as a cucumber! Ha!
So we packed our bags, oh wait, they were already in the car!!!!

So, we took care of some last minute details, and headed on our way!
Friday, January 8, 2010
A Major Update is In Order!
So, we've been amazingly busy and blessed over the last 2 months! I'll try to do my best to fill in the details of our exciting journey!
This was us sitting in the car, cool as cucumbers!

I won't share a ton of details about BM for her privacy, but let me tell you, when we finally were face to face, it was like nothing I could have imagined. She was sweet and smart, her words brought me to tears more than once. From the moment we met, Justin and I had nothing but respect for this sweet adorable girl. We talked for hours, as if we had known each other for years. Needless to say we left that meeting feeling very great about the situation, but also being cautious with our emotions. With adoption, nothing is a guarantee until the papers are signed. Oh did I forget to mention BM was 36 weeks pregnant when we met?!?!?!? (squeals galore!!) Her due date was Thanksgiving day, what an appropriate day for a blessing!
She had not found out the gender of the baby, and we told her we didn't care either way. Every week that she went to a check-up, she called us and gave us an update. Like clockwork, every time she said she would call, she did, and we were so grateful for that.
To be continued......(this may take a few posts!!!)
On Friday, October 23rd, I received a phone call and email from Kelsie at AC, stating that we had been chosen by a Birth Mom (BM) who wanted to meet us. (enter squeals here!!!) After learning some details, and speaking with our Caseworker, we decided that we would love to go to the agency to meet this amazing BM. The nerves flowing through our bodies all weekend long were enough to make a girl crazy! Monday morning we got up and drove the 3 hours to Columbus, freaking out the entire time. We got to the office a bit early, and had plenty of time to freak out in the parking lot before heading inside! Our main goal was to not come across as the dorks that we are. We tried really hard!
This was us sitting in the car, cool as cucumbers!

I won't share a ton of details about BM for her privacy, but let me tell you, when we finally were face to face, it was like nothing I could have imagined. She was sweet and smart, her words brought me to tears more than once. From the moment we met, Justin and I had nothing but respect for this sweet adorable girl. We talked for hours, as if we had known each other for years. Needless to say we left that meeting feeling very great about the situation, but also being cautious with our emotions. With adoption, nothing is a guarantee until the papers are signed. Oh did I forget to mention BM was 36 weeks pregnant when we met?!?!?!? (squeals galore!!) Her due date was Thanksgiving day, what an appropriate day for a blessing!
She had not found out the gender of the baby, and we told her we didn't care either way. Every week that she went to a check-up, she called us and gave us an update. Like clockwork, every time she said she would call, she did, and we were so grateful for that.
To be continued......(this may take a few posts!!!)
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