Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Sweetest Thing

Saturday we attended a Baby Care Basics class at our adoption agency. It was a great way to "allow" us to get excited about taking care of our own baby. They taught us about attachment parenting, which is crucial in adoption to help your newborn learn that you are their "favorite face". How can a newborn, who has spent 9 months in a different woman's womb, hearing HER rhythm, knowing HER voice, understand that YOU are the one they can trust to feed them and love them and provide for them?

Well, starting with a loving, caring Daddy like this could help .......

It was SO SWEET!

I was so in love with my "Daddy-to-be" as he nurtured and loved on our "baby" during class. He did such a great job diapering, bathing, and swaddling the doll, and he's going to kill me if he ever reads this!!! This was the only picture I got, and he was so embarrassed I even took this one! He'll get over it!

It was awesome for us to experience this type of class with other adoptive parents. They understand where we are. The teacher of the class is a 2 time adoptive parent herself. It was a great experience and I'm so glad we got the opportunity to go!


Melissa said...

Absolutely one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Of course I am in tears and just am so excited for both of you!!!

Team Clancy said...

What a great experience! I am glad it turned out so positive!